Tasting Archives

  • Post Tea Season Reflections: Challenges

    . For a tea seller, Chinese or foreign, tea season is a whirlwind. Each year there are challenges, uncertainties, and mistakes. This tea season had...
  • Tea Blog: Microdosing Da Fang

    Tea Blog: Da FangThe remarkable woman who is behind the 100% handmade She Xian recently posted that she had some 100% handmade Da Fang. How could I...
  • Tea Profile: Jin Mu Dan

    There are always new Yan Cha teas. Huang Guan This or Qi That. Recently though, a variety has been gaining more popularity and with good reason.Ji...
  • What is the Flavor of Qimen

    Yesterday I got a message on Reddit from someone who knew I had experience in Huang Shan and was curious about Qimen. The sender was looking into Q...
  • Tao Bao Qimen Gong Fu - January 2023

    My goal of a great Qimen Gong Fu led me to buy one off Tao Bao. The company is not specifically a Qimen seller but the Qimens Ive had from them bef...
  • 2/22: "Ma Tou" Rou Gui

    Spoiler: It wasnt actually Ma Tou. It was a sample sent by the woman who did the Purple Da Hong Pao. She has done some wonderful teas across differ...